четверг, 4 декабря 2008 г.

Немного о Блоге… «PER»
Исходя из названия «PER», можно понять, какой именно тематике будут посвящены его страницы. 

Для посетителей Блога «PER» небольшое разъяснения о том, как понимаются и в каком контексте рассматриваются такие понятия как: «politics» «economy» «right».

POLITICS (P) - areas in which relationships are realized dominance and subordination between social classes and sectors related to the conquest, distribution, retention, implementing or subversion, as well as the use of power.

ECONOMY (E) - developing within the socio-historical formations on the basis of existing productive forces and production relations strategy and tactics of business, covering all levels of commodity production, distribution, product and consumption of wealth.

RIGHT (R) - 1) in an objective sense, the system generally social norms (rules of conduct), established by the State and of the strength of coercion (positive law), or arising from the very nature of human reason, the imperative of standing over the state and the law (natural law). The form of consolidation, origin, scope and other grounds distinguish P. written (statutory case) and unwritten (customary), secular and religious, national and international. 
2) The subjective sense, the type of measure and the possible conduct of persons, public authority, people, the State or any other entity (legal right).

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